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In this Post: As we begin to reopen, there will be a lot of changes to how we conduct our massage businesses. Here, we discuss what to tell your massage clients when you reopen about the safety protocols you are taking because of COVID-19.
Communication is always important in the massage industry, and even more so now in our COVID landscape. With easing regulations and many states opening up for massage, therapists need to be prepared for how to communicate with their clients.
Whether that means you are remaining closed a little while longer, or you are going to dive back into massage, you will want to have answers prepared ahead of time. As people inevitably will begin to bombard you with questions.
If you choose to reopen, you will find that clients have varying comfort levels around coming to see you. Some will think the extra precautions the states are mandating absurd, while others genuinely appreciate the efforts to contain the spread of the virus.
What to Tell Your Massage Clients When You Reopen About The Safety Protocols You Are Taking
We all need to figure out what changes we will be making to our businesses for ourselves. Specifics will vary for everyone, but I have included a sample letter of points you may want to address with your clientele.
(Here is the sample letter to massage clients. Feel free to cut and paste and use it with your own clients.)
A Letter to Massage Clients,
As I gear to reopen, I wanted to communicate the changes you can expect from me as a result of the Coronavirus. I will be practicing increased caution with my health and safety protocols.
Some of these changes are being mandated by the state. Others are part of my continual commitment to keep your health and safety a top priority. And some of them are not changes at all, simply precautions I was already taking.
What you can expect from me, your massage therapist:
- I will be taking my temperature daily and closely monitoring any changes to my health.
- If I am feeling sick, even in the slightest, I will cancel your appointment. Sorry, but I don’t want to take any chances.
- I will be doing my best to stay healthy!
- In addition to taking the Coronavirus seriously in my professional life, I will take it seriously in my personal life as well. This means that I will limit my exposure to others, refrain from public spaces as much as possible, and practice extreme hygiene protocols.
- I will wear a fresh mask, eye protection, and shirt for every massage client.
- I will follow proper cleaning AND sanitizing procedures, according to the CDC.
- Massage sessions will be limited to 45 minutes.
- I will wash my hands before and after every treatment.
- The sheets, blankets, and face cradles will be freshly laundered before every massage.
- I will be increasing the time between appointments to minimize contact with others as well as give time to air out the room.
- I will instigate a contactless payment system.
- At the current time, I will not be performing facial or intraoral massage.
- Before reopening, I took an active approach to decluttering my space to minimize surfaces for the virus to be transmitted.
Please, if you have any questions or concerns, reach out to me. I am happy to clarify any of these points.
I know that many of you are over all the changes we have been experiencing, and I get it. But this is a marathon, NOT a sprint. I am excited to resume practicing and can’t wait to help you achieve your health care goals!
Sincerely, Your Massage Therapist
Maybe my letter resonates with you, and maybe it doesn’t. But either way, I suggest you get as prepared as possible with answers to the multitude of questions you are about to receive. Instead of floundering for an answer, spend some time really thinking through the responses you want to give.
Another thing to consider is whether or not you will be taking new clients or if you will be limiting your practice to existing clients. In addition to figuring out how you will be handling yourself, now is also the time to start thinking about what you will expect from your clients!
I’d also like to suggest that as you begin to book appointments, you ease back into it. As you adjust to new ways of doing business, don’t fill your schedule to the brim. This could be extremely overwhelming on many levels!
Physically we are not conditioned to massage as we did pre-COVID. Mentally we are reprograming our brains to function differently. And, most importantly, emotionally. Emotionally, we have experienced trauma – trauma that has left our senses dulled and a little frazzled. Allow yourself grace as you slowly begin to resume massage.
And lastly, make sure that you are staying current on all of the regulations in your area. Be nimble and ready to switch directions quickly if the need arises!
I hope this post helps as you begin to navigate the uncharted territory of reopening your massage practice in the midst of pandemania! Please let me know how your reopening goes!
Author Profile
Ali Boehm
- Boulder College of Massage Therapy Graduate
- Nationally Certified through NCBTMB
- Colorado Licensed Massage Therapist
- Certified CranialSacral Level 1 through Upledger
- Certified Herbal Therapist through Nutrition Therapy Institute
- Certified Fujian Massage through Barefoot Masters
- Fort Lewis College - Majored in Art, Minored in Business Administration
- 6 Year Winner of Best Massage Therapist for "Best of The Boat" Competition
- Massage Business Owner Since 2008