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In this Post: We discuss laundry options for Massage Therapists since COVID. The pros, the cons, and everything in between.

Laundry, laundry, laundry!!!
One of my biggest struggles since resuming massage has been laundry. As massage therapists, we all know the battle with laundry is real, regardless of whether or not we are working during a pandemic. It just seems to never end!
Pandemics just make it that much worse!
I’m not sure about you, but I’ll admit it, I wasn’t washing my top blanket between every client prior to the pandemic. But I am now! Which means twice as much laundry.
Now, if you are in the lucky position to have laundry at your facility, feel blessed! While you are still going to want to make sure you are taking extra precautions to prevent the spread of germs, eliminated the transport element reduces some risk factors.
For those of you who have to figure out other laundry arrangments, let’s talk options.
Laundry Options for Massage Therapists Since COVID
Laundry Services
The simple solution would be to hire a laundry service. But for some of us, this might not be an option. It may be cost-prohibitive, or this service may not be available in the area in which you live.
Full disclosure, because my area doesn’t have a service like this, I have no firsthand experience of how convenient/problematic this service is in the real world. Those I know who do utilize such a service seem to love it and never look back.
I’ve heard of some therapists requiring clients to BYOB – Bring Your Own Blanket. This is an interesting concept that would reduce some of your launder problems. Depending on the type of practice you run, this may or may not be an option.
A Laundromat
Laundromats are nice because you aren’t bringing germs into your home, and you can do many loads at once, and you don’t have to worry about servicing machines. On the other hand, you could be exposing yourself to the germs of those who frequent these establishments. And doing laundry at a facility requires a lot of time!
During my first year as a massage therapist, I did my laundry at a laundromat. My gym was right next to the laundromat I frequented. I would put a load in, run to the gym for a quick workout, swing back to flip it, and then finish my workout as it dried. I have to admit, I was a lot more fit then because of this routine.
There are plenty of productive or life-affirming activities you can partake in while your laundry process at a laundromat. It doesn’t have to be time wasted! And you never have to worry about hiring a repair person when your machine breaks!!!
Take Your Laundry Home
Having the ability to do laundry in your own home is convenient! But it doesn’t come without drawbacks too!
Your washer may break, you have to lug laundry back and forth, and your machine seems to continually be running! These are just some of the downsides to doing laundry at home in our current climate!
Taking home the laundry has become my new method for doing laundry since I resumed massage. Before I downsized my practice, I used to have a washer and dryer at my office and talk about spoiling!
My laundry room is also my son’s bathroom. Recently, every time I did a load, I felt like I was exposing my son to the virus. Consequently, his bathroom became “off-limits,” and we were sharing my bathroom. This was less than ideal!
I desperately wanted to reclaim my son’s bathroom. I want to feel safe having him brush his teeth as he teeters to reach the sink! I want my home to be my home!!!
So, two weeks after returning to work, I devised a new system for laundry! Check out my system for laundry.
ALWAYS Clean and Disinfect
Regardless of which method you choose to move forward with, you will want to make sure that you are cleaning AND disinfecting any surfaces that come into contact with your soiled linens! This is a critical factor in reducing the transmission of this virus! And as always that you are washing AND drying on the hottest setting available to you!
Figuring out how you want to proceed with laundry once you reopen is a real struggle. If you are going to begin using a service, you should start calling service providers to get quotes and iron out the details. If you are going to use my system, make sure you have supplies. If you are going to implement a BYOB policy, start working on your communication around this new policy.
Whatever method you decide on, know that you are not alone in feeling a little wary of the various options. This virus is creating a lot of changes in the way we do business—some obvious and apparent, and some quietly behind the scenes.
Laundry is one of those quiet, behind the scenes things that our clients may never even consider. But we know the toll the beast of laundry can take on our demeanor!

Author Profile
Ali Boehm
- Boulder College of Massage Therapy Graduate
- Nationally Certified through NCBTMB
- Colorado Licensed Massage Therapist
- Certified CranialSacral Level 1 through Upledger
- Certified Herbal Therapist through Nutrition Therapy Institute
- Certified Fujian Massage through Barefoot Masters
- Fort Lewis College - Majored in Art, Minored in Business Administration
- 6 Year Winner of Best Massage Therapist for "Best of The Boat" Competition
- Massage Business Owner Since 2008