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In this Post: It’s time for uprooting a scarcity mindset. So often as massage therapists, we operate from a place of lack, it’s time to break through this bondage.
Having a scarcity mindset or “Starving Healer Syndrome” unfortunately describes an awful lot of us in the healing professions.
We operate from the belief (often unconscious) that we don’t deserve to become wealthy or even financially comfortable from the work we perform. Or that it isn’t even possible to achieve financial independence as holistic practitioners.
We struggle to pay the bills, find time for self-care, and nurture our families, all while telling ourselves that we got into this work to help others, not to get rich. We tell ourselves that there are better practitioners than us who deserve more. That we don’t want to take work away from others… That we don’t deserve as much of what others expect from life.
But the thing is, we work hard. We work from our hearts. We give of ourselves each and every day in ways that other professions simply cannot fathom. And over time, our hearts will start to break if we don’t take care of them and ourselves. We also must remember that by neglecting ourselves, we neglect those we love as well.
Our work is important. It helps improves lives. It is powerful, and so are we.
And…we deserve to be compensated fairly. We deserve to have money set away for retirement, our children’s college, and vacations. We deserve to be financially stable!
No, it’s not. In fact, it’s called self-care. It’s called preventing burnout, a very real thing, extremely common in our field. Breaking free from these limiting beliefs is an important step to master if we want to have any type of longevity in a field we love so dearly!
And the truth is, unless we take action to ensure a financially sound future for ourselves, we will always be scraping by, living paycheck to paycheck. Wondering if we will have enough for the electric, or groceries, or necessary car repairs.
No one can make these changes to our mindset for us but ourselves. That’s right. We have to do the hard work ourselves if we want to achieve a more comfortable, sustainable lifestyle.
Often, these limiting beliefs are deeply engrained in us. They are messages we received as children, while in school, from the media, or from church. Taking steps to uproot these messages takes courage.
Do you have the courage to break down these self-sabotaging messages?
Are you ready to flip the switch from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance?
I sure hope so, because YOU ARE WORTH IT!
You deserve to have a thriving, rewarding, supportive practice. A practice which not only provides you with the basics, but also allows you to travel, save, and play.
Steps For Uprooting A Scarcity Mindset
- Identify That You Are Worth More
- Forgive Yourself For Believing The Opposite
- Take Action to Improve Your Future
Identify That You Are Worth More –
Belief is Power! Start telling yourself that you are worthy of all the things you ever dreamed for your life. You deserve to own a home, to travel, and to be in a position that allows you to donate to charities.
Now, display affirmations around your home and office. Practice saying them aloud to yourself daily. Pretty soon, these gentle reminders will seep into your psyche and take over your soul.
Forgive Yourself For Believing The Opposite –
We are all learning, and you are no different. Being hard on yourself because it took you this long to get here will do you no good, in fact it will only further damage your psyche. It’s time to forgive and move on to bigger and better places.
For this step, I want you to write a letter to yourself. In this letter, I want you to identify what held you back from adopting an abundance mindset sooner and forgive yourself for wasted time. Actually write out the words: I forgive myself.
This step might sound silly, but it is hugely cathartic to take this action. You may find yourself crying as you write this letter to yourself, that’s okay. Let it flow. The more emotion you can pour into this letter, the more benefit you will receive.
Once you have written this letter, set it aside to revisit in a year. Set a reminder on your phone or a note in your planner to read the letter in one year’s time.
After a year, go back and read the letter to yourself. If you take this shift seriously, you will be amazed how far you have come over the course of a year. And now, instead of forgiving yourself, you can be proudly patting yourself on the back for deciding to take a proactive approach to your life, and it’s future.
Take Action To Improve Your Future
Raise your rates. Cut your expenses. Devise a plan.
Sometimes action means taking baby steps, but baby steps compound if you consistently take them. So, start putting one foot in front of the other. Before you know it, you will be building a life that does better than just support you, it enables you to thrive.
Action is a funny thing because once you start taking it, you will WANT to take more of it. You will wonder why it took you so long to get in gear in the first place. It will propel you forward in beautiful and magical ways!
Understand that a scarcity mindset is not developed overnight. Thus it takes time to break it down. But, it is worth breaking down! The more we can take care of ourselves, the more we can help others, and isn’t that why we got into the massage field? Now go, breakdown some barriers, and start living with the belief that your dreams CAN become a reality!
Author Profile
Ali Boehm
- Boulder College of Massage Therapy Graduate
- Nationally Certified through NCBTMB
- Colorado Licensed Massage Therapist
- Certified CranialSacral Level 1 through Upledger
- Certified Herbal Therapist through Nutrition Therapy Institute
- Certified Fujian Massage through Barefoot Masters
- Fort Lewis College - Majored in Art, Minored in Business Administration
- 6 Year Winner of Best Massage Therapist for "Best of The Boat" Competition
- Massage Business Owner Since 2008